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AI Learning
Based on the top skills demanded by AI employers today, we have collated a list of free resources and short courses that enable you to add new skills and take the next step in your career.
Data Science 101
Learn the truth about what Data Science is. Hear from real practitioners telling stories about what it means to work in data science.
Introduction to Open Source
This course introduces you to open source. You'll learn the key concepts, tools, and processes of open source projects.
Introduction to Machine Learning with sound
Get hands-on experience with building machine learning models that can predict which animal is making a specific sound.
Python for Data Science
This introduction to Python will kickstart your learning of Python for data sciences, as well as programming in general.
SAS Data Literacy Essentials
Access the course to connect your skills to strategies for engaging with data in more meaningful ways.
Learn all about the different aspects of databases through Stanford’s discussion forums, video quizzes and interactive exercises.
Software Development Process
Provided by Udacity, this course teaches you how to select and implement the ideal software process for your dev project.
Docker Essentials
In this IBM course, you'll follow a series of hands-on labs that demonstrate how to use containers for your applications.
Programming Languages
With a number of programming languages available, this popular Stanford course covers the basic concepts and the differences.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Practice the beginning steps of web development by creating a simple web project in Visual Studio Code that contains a web page, a CSS file, and a JavaScript file. Learn how to use developer tools in your browser to check your work.
Responsive Web Design
Earn a certification in responsive web design, thanks to All their courses are 100% free.
Learn Code Academy
For those on the go, watch these popular and easy to digest videos. Topics range from CSS to deployment strategies.
Level Up Tutorials
This YouTube channel has over 800+ free and easy to follow videos, to help you become a better web developer.
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